(310) 669-8101
Mon-Fri 8:00-3:00 (PT)

Become a MasterTune Dealer

Dealer inquiries for accounts.

To become a dealer with us, there are a few requirements we ask that you meet.

  1. You must be a retail store or repair facility outside of your home.
  2. You must be in the motorcycle industry and your primary business must be in the sale of motorcycles, motorcycle parts & accessories, or a motorcycle service/repair facility.
  3. You must be able to provide us with photos of your facility.  Photos should show the sign and the address from the street.  Photos should be emailed or sent through the postal system as faxed photos do not come through.
  4. Provide a copy of advertisement you have had in the past 6 months in a major publication (yellow-pages, magazine, etc.)
  5. You must provide us a current copy of your business license for the City or State that you do business in.
  6. If your business is in California you must complete the Resale Certificate.
  7. Complete the dealer application and return to us along with copies of documents/photos as specified in points 3, 4, and 5 above (plus 6 if applicable).

If your business meets the above requirements, we will process your application and send you a welcome letter with pricing and ordering information.

Dealer Application CA Resale Certificate

Please contact:

TTS Inc.
1185 W. Mahalo Pl
Compton, CA 90220

Map to our Location

PLEASE NOTE: - Customers that subscribe to "road runner" for their email account. TTS is blocked from replying to road runner emails unless the subscriber authorizes us to send to their account.

Email accounts that have strict "spam blockers" must enable us to email them back, and to be sure to include a phone number for contact when e-mailing TTS.